
Our world consists of five elements

  • Akasha (Space/ether)
  • Vayu (Air)
  • Agni (Fire)
  • Jala (Water)
  • Prithivi (Earth)

These forms of energy join together in holistic functional principles and determine everything including humans.

A dynamic equilibrium prevails between the elements. This adapts to the body’s needs and functions, which are constantly changing.

It is also dependent on external influences: the seasons affect the human state, as does the time of day and a person’s age.

The five elements combine in pairs to form the three bodily humours (doshas):

  1. Vata (space and air),
  2. Pitta (fire and water) and
  3. Kapha (water and earth).

The doshas are types of energy that are present in every cell of the body and are responsible for the processes which take place there. It form the foundation for all life.

Get to know your dosha before your initial consultation with Dr. Roopa by taking a quick “Dosha Quiz”


Call us on 0422 628 393 or book your appointment using the link below